Since the 1990s, the IDR-UPM has been promoting the UPM-Sat's satellite programme as a fundamentally educational project, although with strong scientific and technological development components. The aim is to develop the capacity to design, develop, build, test, integrate and operate a space device of modest performance, but which retains in its execution all the complexity of a complete space system. All this within the university environment.
The initial idea of UPM-Sat 1 emerged as a logical extension of the space experience of the IDR-UPM. In fact, since 1975, the Aerodynamics Laboratory of the Aeronautics Technical School (E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos), the predecessor of the IDR-UPM, has been collaborating with the European Space Agency (ESA). Thirty-six students, 27 professors and 12 technicians, all from the UPM, worked on this satellite.

The development of UPMSat-2 has been articulated around the Máster Universitario en Sistemas Espaciales (MUSE) of the UPM. Students from the first five MUSE graduating classes have worked or are working on this satellite, which will be launched in mid-2019.

Ensayos de vibración de la E-BOX del UPMSat-2  Integración del UPMSat-2 (enero, 2019)

Our officies

The University Institute of Microgravity "Ignacio Da Riva" is part of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. We have one site at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio, within the Moncloa campus, and another at the Montegacedo campus.

Campus Moncloa / Montegacedo

📍 Plaza Cardenal Cisneros, 3 28040 Madrid, España

📍 Calle de los Ciruelos S/N, 28223 Pozuelo, España

📧 secretaria.idr@upm.es

📧 Iac.idr@upm.es

📞+34 9106 76072

📞+34 9106 76073
